Summer Mentorship Component

Service Log

Service Learning Log; 10 hour

The first ten hours of service learning were completed at California State University Fullerton (CSUF) at Dr. Meyer's Biochem lab.


Micheal Susoeff: (562) 640-1452

What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?

  1. Would I be able to handle being in a lab without assistance?
  2. Do I want to go into the field of Biology/Chemistry?
  3. If I do go into this field what classes do I need to take? What colleges specialize in this field?

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?

That you have to be very careful when it comes to doing a lab, if you don't do the process correctly you have to do it over again and you'll get the wrong data. Also if you're dealing with strong chemicals and equipment you have to handle it correctly or it can be dangerous. And feel free to ask questions, some of the undergraduate students have been there for 1-3 years and they still ask questions if they're unsure about something.

How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.

This experience actually helped me realize that I was only taught the basics of chemistry and there's a lot more to how everything works together that I wasn't aware of. Also this is a biochemistry lab, so the fact that I had little to no exposure to biology previously, is probably why most of what Mike explained was new to me. But I decided to stay with this topic anyway because so far I've enjoyed the experience and I want to see if I would be interested in going into this field.


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